Computer Awareness CPU MCQ,s

Central Processing Unit (CPU MCQ,s)
Computer Awareness CPU MCQ,s

What is the full form of CPU?

(a) Central Processing Unit
(b) Cyclic Program Unit
(c) Coded Processing Unit
(d) Computer Processing Unit


CPU is often referred to as the _________ of the computer.

(a) Heart
(b) Lungs
(c) Eyes
(d) Ears


The main function of the CPU is to:

(a) Store data
(b) Perform calculations and execute instructions
(c) Connect to external devices
(d) Display information on the monitor


The three main components of a CPU are:

(a) ALU, Control Unit, Memory
(b) ALU, Control Unit, Cache
(c) Memory, Hard Drive, Motherboard
(d) Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse


ALU stands for:

(a) Arithmetic Logic Unit
(b) Advanced Logic Unit
(c) Arithmetic Linking Unit
(d) Advanced Linking Unit


The Control Unit is responsible for:

(a) Performing calculations
(b) Fetching instructions, decoding them, and controlling their execution
(c) Storing data temporarily
(d) Connecting to peripheral devices


The CPU communicates with memory through a group of wires called the:

(a) Data bus
(b) Address bus
(c) Control bus
(d) All of the above


The speed of a CPU is measured in:

(a) Hertz (Hz)
(b) Megabytes (MB)
(c) Gigabytes (GB)
(d) Kilobytes (KB)


A higher clock speed of a CPU generally indicates:

(a) Slower processing
(b) Faster processing
(c) No impact on processing speed
(d) More cores


The number of cores in a CPU refers to:

(a) The amount of RAM
(b) The number of independent processing units within the CPU
(c) The clock speed of the CPU
(d) The type of storage device


A multi-core CPU can improve the performance of:

(a) Tasks that can be broken down into independent parts
(b) Tasks that require a lot of storage space
(c) Tasks that require a high-resolution display
(d) All of the above


Cache memory is a small amount of high-speed memory located:

(a) Inside the CPU
(b) On the motherboard
(c) On the hard drive
(d) Inside the RAM


Cache memory is used to improve CPU performance by:

(a) Storing frequently accessed data and instructions
(b) Increasing the amount of RAM available
(c) Reducing the clock speed of the CPU
(d) None of the above


CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computing) processors have:

(a) Fewer instructions, but each instruction can do more complex tasks
(b) More instructions, but each instruction is simpler
(c) Higher clock speeds
(d) Larger cache size


RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) processors have:

(a) Fewer instructions, but each instruction can do more complex tasks
(b) More instructions, but each instruction is simpler
(c) Higher clock speeds
(d) Larger cache size


Hyperthreading is a technology that allows a single CPU core to:

(a) Run multiple programs simultaneously
(b) Increase the clock speed dynamically
(c) Access more RAM
(d) Reduce power consumption 

Virtualization is a technology that allows:

(a) A single physical computer to run multiple operating systems
(b) A computer to access

What does CPU stand for? 
(a) Central Processing Unit 
(b) Computer Processing Unit 
(c) Core Processing Unit 
(d) Centralized Processing Unit 

The CPU is considered the: 
(a) Brain  
(b) Heart 
(c) Lungs 
(d) Eyes 

Which of the following is NOT a main component of a CPU? 
(a) Control Unit 
(b) Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) 
(c)Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)  
(d) Registers 

The ALU performs: 
(a) Data transfer 
(b) Logical operations (AND, OR, NOT)  
(c) Instruction fetching 
(d) Communication with external devices 

Registers are used for: 
(a) Short-term data storage  
(b) Long-term data storage 
(c) Program execution control 
(d) Communication with RAM 

CPU speed is measured in: 
(a) Megahertz (MHz) or Gigahertz (GHz)  
(b) Kilobytes (KB) or Megabytes (MB)
(c) Milliseconds (ms) or Seconds (s) 
(d) Volts (V) or Amps (A) 

A higher clock speed generally indicates: 
 (a) Faster processing  
(b) Slower processing 
(c) No difference in speed 
(d) More cores 

What is the term for a CPU with multiple cores? 
(a) Single-core processor 
(b) Multi-core processor  
(c) Hyperthreaded processor
 (d) Virtual processor 

Hyperthreading allows a single core to: 
(a) Run multiple processes simultaneously  
(b) Increase clock speed 
(c) Access more memory 
(d) Reduce power consumption 

Caches are small, high-speed memories that store: 
(a) Frequently accessed data 
 (b) All data from RAM
(c) Instructions for the CPU
(d) User file

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