Top Computer MCQs for Exam Preparation

Computer MCQs are questions with multiple answer options, where only one option is correct. They are designed to test various aspects of computer science and IT, including:

Computer MCQ

1. Which of the following is/are characteristics of Computer? 

(A) Diligence 

(B) Versatility 

(C) Reliability 

(D) All of the Above 

Answer (D) All of the Above 

2. Faulty inputs lead to faulty results. It is known as _______ (A) Diligence 

(B) Versatility 


(D) None of the Above 

Answer (C) GIGO 

3. GIGO stands for______ 

(A) Garbage In Garbage Out 

(B) Gateway In Gateway Out 

(C) Gopher In Gopher Out 

(D) Geographic In Geographic Out 

Answer (A) Garbage In Garbage Out 

4. The capacity to perform multiple tasks simultaneously is termed as ______ 

(A) Diligence 

(B) Versatility 

(C) Reliability 

(D) All of the Above

Answer (B) Versatility 

5. A computer does not suffer from tiredness and lack of concentration. It is known as _______ 

(A) Diligence 

(B) Versatility 


(D) None of the Above 

Answer (A) Diligence 

6. First Generation computers used ______ for Circuitry and ________ for memory 

(A) Transistor and Magnetic Core (B) IC and Magnetic Memory 

(C) Vacuum tubes and Magnetic drum 

(D) IC and Magnetic Core 

Answer (C) Vacuum tubes and Magnetic drum 

7. Second Generation computers were based on _______ 

(A) IC 

(B) Vacuum tube 

(C) transistor 

(D) None of the Above 

Answer (C) transistor

8.FLOPS stands for______ 

(A) Floating Point Operation Per Second 

(B) File Processing Operation Per Second 

(C) Floating Processing Operation Per Second 

(D) File Loading Operation Per Second 

Answer (A) Floating Point Operation Per Second 

9. Which language was used to program Second Generation computers? 

(A) Binary Coded language 

(B) Assembly language 

(C) Machine language 

(D) None of the Above 

Answer (B) Assembly language 

10. EDSAC stands for________

(A) Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer 

(B) Electronic Discrete Storage Automatic Computer 

(C) Electronic Delay Serial Automatic Computer 

(D) Electronic Discrete Storage Automatic Computer 

Answer (A) Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer 

11. Instructions and data can be stored in the memory of Computer for automatically directing the flow of operations. It is called _____ concept. 

(A) Objective Programming 

(B) Stored program

(C) Both (A) and (B) 

(D) None of the Above 

Answer (B) Stored program 

12. “Stored Program” concept was developed by ______ 

(A) Maurice Wilkes 

(B) Von Neumann 

(C) M.H.A. Newman 

(D) None of the Above 

Answer (B) Von Neumann 

13. Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer(EDVAC) was designed on __________ concept. 

(A) Objective Programming 

(B) Stored program 

(C) Both (A) and (B) 

(D) None of the Above 

Answer (B) Stored program 

14. Which of the following was a small experimental machine based on Neumann’s stored program concept? 

(A) Analytical engine 

(B) Pascaline 

(C) Manchester Mark I 

(D) None of the Above 

Answer(C) Manchester Mark I 

15. Third Generation computers were based on _______ 

(A) IC 

(B) Vacuum tube 

(C) transistor 

(D) None of the Above 

Answer (A) IC 

16. In EDSAC, an addition operation was completed in _____ micro seconds. 

(A) 4000 

(B) 3000 

(C) 2000 

(D) 1500 

Answer (D) 1500 

17. ULSI stands for______ 

(A) Ultra Large Scale Integration (B) Ultimate Large Scale Integration 

(C) Upper Large Scale Integration (D) Ultra Large Script Integration 

Answer (A) Ultra Large Scale Integration 

18. Which of the following is a fourth generation computer? 

(A) INTEL 4004 

(B) IBM 360

(C) IBM 1401 

(D) None of the Above 

Answer (A) INTEL 4004 

19. IC is made up of _________ (A) microprocessor 

(B) vacuum tube 

(C) transistor 

(D) None of the Above 

Answer (C) transistor 

20. Father of modern computer______ 

(A) Charles Babbage 

(B) Alan Turing 

(C) Ted Hoff 

(D) None of the Above 

Answer (B) Alan Turing 

21. A hybrid computer is the one having combined properties of ________ 

(A) Micro & Mini computers 

(B) Mini & Supercomputers 

(C) Mainframe & Super Computers 

(D) Analog & Digital computers 

Answer (D) Analog & Digital computers

22. Which of the following uses a handheld Operating Systems? 

(A) Supercomputer 

(B) Laptop 

(C) Mainframe 

(D) PDA 

Answer (D) PDA 

23. A _______ terminal can display images as well as text. 

(A) text 

(B) dumb 

(C) graphical 

(D) None of the Above 

Answer (C) graphical 

24. The word length of Micro computers lies in the range between ________ 

(A) 8 and 16 bits 

(B) 8 and 21 bits 

(C) 8 and 24 bits 

(D) 8 and 32 bits 

Answer (D) 8 and 32 bits 

25. The fastest and most expensive computers are______ (A) Supercomputers 

(B) Quantum Computers 

(C) Mainframe Computers 

(D) Micro Computers

Answer (A) Supercomputers 

26. Which of the following is the smallest and fastest computer imitating brain working? 

(A) Supercomputer 

(B) Quantum Computer 

(C) Mainframe Computer 

(D) PDA 

Answer (B) Quantum Computer 

27. A _____ terminal does not process or store data. 

(A) dumb 

(B) intelligent 

(C) Both(A) & (B) 

(D) None of the Above 

Answer (A) dumb 

28. The user generally applies _________ to access mainframe or supercomputer? (A) node 

(B) terminal 

(C) desktop 

(D) None of the Above 

Answer (B) terminal

29. Desktop and Personal computers are also known as_______ 

(A) Supercomputer 

(B) Quantum Computer 

(C) Mainframe Computer 

(D) Micro Computer 

Answer (D) Micro Computer 

30. Graphical terminals are divided into two types. They are _____ 

(A) text and dumb 

(B) dumb and intelligent 

(C) vector mode and raster mode (D) None of the Above 

Answer (C) vector mode and raster mode 

31. Which language is used for Artificial Intelligence (AI)? 



(C) C 


Answer (D) PROLOG 

32. Who coined the term “Artificial Intelligence”? 

(A) Charles Babbage 

(B) Alan Turing 

(C) Von Neumann 

(D) John McCarthy

Answer (D) John McCarthy 

33. _________ is a computational model based on the structure of biological neural networks? 

(A) Artificial Neural Network (ANN) 

(B) Biological Network 

(C) Both(A) & (B) 

(D) None of the Above 

Answer (A) Artificial Neural Network (ANN) 

34. A neural network in which the signal passes in only one direction is called _____ 

(A) Feed forward Neural Network (B) Recurrent Neural Network (C) Both(A) & (B) 

(D) None of the Above 

Answer (A) Feed forward Neural Network 

35. _________ is an artificial neural network with multiple hidden layers between the input and output layers? 

(A) Deep neural network 

(B) Shallow neural network 

(C) Both(A) & (B) 

(D) None of the Above 

Answer (A) Deep neural network

The most famous Recurrent Neural Network is _______ 

(A) Perceptrons 

(B) Radial Basis Networks 

(C) Hopfield net 

(D) None of the Above 

Answer (C) Hopfield net 

37. Which neural network allows feedback signals? 

(A) Feed forward Neural Network (B) Recurrent Neural Network (C) Both(A) & (B) 

(D) None of the Above 

Answer (B) Recurrent Neural Network 

38. Which of the following is/are application(s) of Neural Network? 

(A) Pattern recognition 

(B) Mobile Computing 

(C) Speech reading(Lip-reading) (D) All of the Above 

Answer (D) All of the Above 

39. Which algorithm is used in layered Feed forward Neural Network? 

(A) Back propagation algorithm (B) Binary Search 

(C) Both(A) & (B) 

(D) None of the Above 

Answer (A) Back propagation algorithm 

40. Radial Basis Function (RBF) networks have _____ layers. 

(A) One 

(B) Four 

(C) Two 

(D) Three 

Answer (D) Three 

41. The chip used in computers is made of ______ 

(A) Silicon 

(B) Iron Oxide 

(C) Chromium 

(D) None of the Above 

Answer (A) Silicon 

42. Fourth Generation computers were based on _______ 

(A) IC 

(B) Vacuum tube 

(C) transistor 

(D) Microprocessors 

Answer (D) Microprocessors 

43. The first computer language developed was______ 





Answer (D) FORTRAN 

44. The first calculator that can perform all four arithmetic operations(Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division) was known as______ 

(A) Pascaline 

(B) Slide Rule 

(C) Step Reckoner 

(D) None of the Above 

Answer (C) Step Reckoner 

45. The first computer spreadsheet program was_________ 

(A) Lotus 1-2-3 

(B) MS Excel 

(C) Visicalc 

(D) None of the Above 

Answer (C) Visicalc 

46. Which of the following is an example for fourth generation language(4GL)? 


(B) PowerBuilder 


(D) None of the Above

Answer (B) PowerBuilder 

47. VDU stands for________ (A) Video Display Unit 

(B) Visual Display Unit 

(C) Video Divide Unit 

(D) None of the Above 

Answer (B) Visual Display Unit 

48. Which language is directly understood by the computer without a translation program? 


(B) Assembly language 

(C) Machine language 

(D) C language 

Answer (C) Machine language 

49. Herman Hollerith developed a machine called________ 

(A) Pascaline 

(B) Analytical engine 

(C) Census Tabulator 

(D) Tabulating Machine 

Answer (D) Tabulating Machine

50. RISC stands for________ A. Reverse Instruction Set Computer 

B. Reverse Information Set Computer 

C. Reduced Information Set Computer 

D. Reduced Instruction Set Computer 

Answer D. Reduced Instruction Set Computer

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