Himachal Pradesh Famous dance forms HP GK Notes

The most popular dances of the state are Rakshasa (demon), Kayang, Bakayang, the Bnayangchu, the Jataru Kayang, Chohara, Shand and Shabu, Lang-dar-ma, Nati, Jhanjhar, Jhoor, Gi, and Rasa.

Himachal Pradesh Famous dance forms HP GK Notes

1. Naati :नाटी

Naati is a country famous group dance of the central regions of Himachal, also known as "Gi" or "Mala" in Shimla region. Men and women, children and old people can participate in the Naati. Holding each other's hands, keeping the feet back and forth and moving the other parts of the body according to the rhythm of the song, they dance. 

A fire is lit in the middle and the dance continues around it. In terms of area and acting, there are Naati ke luddi, loose-nati, fati-nati, dehri-nati, bushhairi-nati, bahar-nati. Kadthi-Nati, Lahauli, Bakhaili, Kharit, Gadbhi, Daykhal and Jon-Nati are the major Natis.

2. Kadthi:कड़थी  

A famous nati of Kullu, is held in the open on a moonlit night after the kharif harvest. First it is started slowly and on attaining full speed, the women choose their dance partner and dance Naati.

3. Ghughuti:घुघटी

This folk-dance is popular among teenagers in the middle regions. In this the dancers stand behind each other. The rear ones grab the front coat with one edge from the bottom. 

The leader of the group sings the song 'Ghagathi' and bends forward in a sloppy manner. The rest follow him.

4. Birsu (Birus):बिड़सु

It is a famous folk dance of the upper part of Shimla and the eastern part of Sirmaur. This dance is often performed in segments during fairs. Khand is a forceful group of Khash. When they go to a fair, they gather together and dance on the way. 

They have swords, daggers, sticks, khukri or handkerchiefs in their hands. Together they play drums and ransinga. During the night, the dancers carry torches in their hands while performing this dance. When they reach the fair, they get separated after dancing for a while. On their return in the evening, they come back dancing again.

5. Burah Dance:बुड़ाह नृत्य

It is a famous folk-dance performed in Sirmaur which is performed collectively by a group of 10-15 men during Diwali or other festivals. 4-5 men play hudki (instrumental instrument) and the rest dance while singing songs with dangars in their hands. 

These songs describe heroic tales, of which the song of Siddha and his stronghold is more popular. Rasa and Krasa are other famous folk dances of Sirmaur.

6. Dangi or Depak: à¤¡ांगी व डेपक

These are folk dances of Chhatradi area of ​​Chamba. Dangi dance is a group dance of Gaddi women, performed in "Jatras" or fairs. The Deepak dance is performed when Gaddi walks towards Kangra with her sheep and goats.

7. Full-Journey Dance of Pangi:पांगी का फुल-यात्रा नृत्य

This dance is performed by the women of Pangi before the first snowfall. The dance begins with the 'Gharei' move, while the dancers enter the dance space in intersecting lines and then begin to dance in a circle holding hands. 

A step forward and backward is taken while bending the knees. Kinnaur being the land of eunuchs is called the home of dances. Both Buddhist and Hindu have been included in the dances here.

8. Kyang:कायांग

This is a famous folk dance of Kinnaur. In this men and women form semi-circles and the bajkos (instruments players) stand in the middle. The men's group is led by an older man and the women's group is led by an older woman and moves the steps according to the melody set by the instrument. 

Each person holds the hand of a third person from himself. The leader of the group ho-ho, but all bow down in half, the two men of the group sing a folk song, followed by the rest.

9. Bakayang:बाक्यांग

This is another type of dance form of Kinnaur in which the dancers form two or so rows facing each other. Dancers of one row dance rhythmically, retreating and coming to the front of the front row. This sequence is repeated one by one. This dance is usually performed by women.

10. Banyangchu:.  à¤¬ानांचयु

This is the third type of dance of Kinnaur, which is performed by men. In this, the steps are carried out independently. The dancers dance in a circle around the eaves. 

Women sing songs. Other dances of Kinnaur are Panas, Champa, Chamik, Rawar, Dayang and Jogsan etc.

11. Devil Dance:.  à¤¦ानव-नृत्य

It is a dance performed in caves by Lamas in Lahaul-Spiti and Upper Kinnaur on special occasions. On festivals like Losar (New Year), Dachang, "Thong-thong" and "Namagan", Lamas perform this dance wearing "vaag" (masks) in the courtyard of the caves. 

There are also lamas who play musical instruments in this. This dance signifies the victory of the gods over the demons.

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