Human Resource Development (HRD) BBA-MBA Notes



Human Resource Development (HRD) BBA Notes

Course Contents

UNIT - I: Human Resource Development (HRD): Concept, Origin and Need, Relationship between human resource management and human resource development; HRD as a Total System; Activity Areas of HRD: Training, Education and Development; Roles and competencies of HRD professionals.


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UNIT - II: HRD Process: Assessing need for HRD; Designing and developing effective HRD programs; Implementing HRD programs; Evaluating HRD programs. HRD Interventions: Integrated Human Resource Development Systems, Staffing for HRD; Physical and Financial Resources for HRD.


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UNIT – III: HRD and diversity management; HRD Climate; HRD Audit.

HRD Applications: Coaching and mentoring, Career management and development; Employee counseling; Competency mapping, High Performance Work Systems, Balanced Score Card. Integrating HRD with technology.


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UNIT – IV: Evaluating the HRD Effort; Data Gathering; Analysis and Feedback; Industrial relations and HRD. HRD Experience in Indian Organizations, International HRD experience, Future of HRD.







Suggested Books:

1. Nadler, Leonard: Corporate human Resource Development, Van Nostrand Reinhold / ASTD, New York.

2. Rao T.V. and Pareek, Udai: Designing and Managing Human Resource Systems, Oxford and IBH Publication Ltd.

3. Rao T.V.: Reading in human Resource Development, Oxford IBH Publication .Ltd.

4. Viramani B.R. and Seth, Pramila: Evaluating Management Training and Development, Vision Books.

5. Rao T.V.: Human Resource Development, Sage publication.

6. Kapur, Sashi: Human resource Development and Training in Practice, Beacon Books.

7. Lynton, Rolf P. and Pareek, Udai: Training for Development, Vistaar publication.

8. Werner J. M., DeSimone, R.L.: Human resource development, South Western.

9. Mankin, D.: Human resource development, Oxford University Press India.

10. Haldar, U. K.: Human resource development, Oxford University Press India.

11. Rao, T.V.: Future of HRD, Macmillan Publishers India.


Note: Latest Edition of the Text Books should be followed

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