Computer Awareness MCQ,s ( HP JOA IT ) Part -5 ( MS-Excel)


Computer Awareness MCQ,s (MS-Excel)  Very Important Questions

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1. What is the extension file Excel 2004?

a) .xls 

b) .excel

c) .xcel 

d) .xcl


2. What is the extension file Excel 2007 and above?

a) .xls 

b) .excel

c) .xlsx 

d) .xcl


3. Worksheet is also called an array of____.

a) column

b) Cells 

c) Box 

d) Formula


4. How Cells are named in MS Excel? 

A Alphabetically             

B Numerically  

C Alphanumerically       

D Special Character 


5. What is the maximum limit of rows in MS Excel 2010? 

A 1084567 

B 1048567 

C 1048576 

D 1084576 


6. What is the maximum limit of columns in MS Excel 2010? 

A 16384 

B 16438 

C 16843 

D 16348 


7. Which bar lies top of the window in Excel Screen? 

A Status Bar  

B Ruler 

C Title Bar 

D Scroll Bar 


8. How are rows numbered in MS Excel? 

A Alphabetically 

B Numerically 

C Alphanumerically 

D Special characters  

9. How are columns named in MS Excel? 

A Alphabetically 

B Numerically 

C Alphanumerically  

D Special characters 


10. Which tab is used to include pivot tables, charts, hyperlinks to a spreadsheet 

A Insert 

B Page Layout 

C Data 

D Review 


11. Which tab in Excel is used when importing, querying, outlining and subtotaling the data placed into a worksheet‘s data list? 

A Formula 

B Data 

C Review  

D Insert 


12. Which tab in Excel is used for proofing, protecting, and marking up a spreadsheet? 

A Formula 

B Data 

C Review 

D View 


13. Which tool in Ms Office is best for organizing data and making lists? 

A Access 

B Excel 

C Power Point 

D Word 


14. What is the file extension of Excel 2010? 

A xls 

B xlsb 

C xlsm  

D xlsx 


15. How is the single element in a worksheet known as in Excel? 

A Cell 

B Column 

C Range  

D Row 


16. What do you mean by A3, B13:B20, C7 reference in Excel? 

A Range  

B Union 

C Formula 

D General


17. Which type of key should combine with the ctrl key to create a macro key in Excel? 

A Numeric  

B Alphabetic  

C Alphanumeric

D Special characters


18. Which bar is used to display the sheet information and insertion point location in MS Excel? 

A Ruler 

B Scrollbar  

C Status Bar  

D Title Bar 


19. Which tab is used to change the display of the worksheet area and the data it contains? 

A Page Layout 

B Data 

C Review 

D View 


20. Which view in Excel displays the pages exactly as they appear when printed? 

A Custom View 

B Full screen View  

C Page Break View  

D Page Layout view


21. Which tab is used for creating, formatting and editing a spreadsheet? 

A Data 

B Home  

C Insert 

D Review 


22. Which function is used to count the number of cells that contain numbers, in a range? 

A Count () 

B Count if ()  

C Sum () 

D Sumif () 


23. Which function is used to add the values in a range? 

A Count () 

B Sum () 

C ABS () 

D Sum if () 


24. Which symbol is used to execute formulas in MS Excel? 

A = 

B ‗ 

C # 

D ― 


25. Where does the result display when a formula is entered in Excel? 

A Current Cell 

B Next Cell  

C Previous Cell 

D Formula Bar 


26. Which function in Excel is used to find the biggest value in a range? 

A Ceiling  





27. Which one of the following is a text function in MS Excel? 

A MID ()  

B NOW ()

C COUNT ()  



28. Which one of the following is a ‗Date & Time‘ function in Excel? 

A FIND () 

B MOD () 

C NOW ()  

D MID () 


29. Which function is used to find the middle number in a range? 


B MID () 

C TRIM () 

D MODE () 


30. What is the purpose ‗Tab‘key in MS Excel? 

A Moves cell pointer to previous column 

B Moves cell pointer to next column 

C Moves cell pointer previous row  

D Moves cell pointer next row


31. What is the purpose of ‗Enter Key‘in MS Excel? 

A Moves cell pointer to previous column 

B Moves cell pointer to next column 

C Moves cell pointer to previous row  

D Moves cell pointer to next row 


32. Which function key is used to open goto dialogue box in MS Excel? 

A F2  

B F5  

C F7  

D F11 


33. Which option in MS Excel is used to display the rows that meet certain conditions? 

A Find 

B Filter 

C Format 

D Sort 


34. Which option in Excel is used to rearrange the rows base on the content of a particular column? 

A Find 

B Filter 

C Sort 

D Format 


35. Microsoft Excel is a powerful____

a) Word processing package  

b) Spreadsheet package

c) Communication s/w package

d) DBMS Package


36. Which one of the following is ‗no argument‘function? 

A Now () 

B Lower () 

C Max () 

D IF () 


37. Which key is used to move the insertion point to the beginning of the current sheet? 

A Page up 

B Home 

C Ctrl + page up 

D Ctrl + Home 


38. To remove the content of selected cells you must issue ____ command

a) Delete

b) Clear contents

c) Clear all 

d) Clear Delete


39. By default Excel provides 3 worksheets. You need only two of them, how will you delete the third one?

a) Right click on sheet tab of third sheet and choose delete from the context menu

b) Click on sheet 3 and from edit menu choose delete

c) Both A and B

d) None of these


40. which of the following is not a valid data type in excel?

a) Number

b) Character 

c) Label d) Date/Time


41. The intersection of a row and column in MS Excel is called _______ .

(a) Spreadsheet 

(b) Workbook 

(c) Document 

(d) Cell


42. The cell having and column number 3 and row number 6 is denoted by the name ______.

(a) F3  

(b) C6 

(c) C3 

(d) F6


43. MS excel provide the default value for step in fill series dialog box 

a) 0 

b) 1 

c) 5 

d) 10


44. MS Excel cans ______ given data.

(a) Sort

(b) Statistically analyze

(c) Draw graphs for 

(d) all of them


45. Which of the following you can paste selectively using paste special command?

a) Validation 

b) Formats 

c) Formulas 

d) All of these


46. Edit > Delete command

a) Delete the content of a cell

b) Delete formats of cell

c) Delete the comment of cell 

d) Deletes selected cells


47. Excel supports recording of repeated actions with the help of ______.

(a) Graph

(b) Chart

(c) Macro

(d) Other applications


48. MS Excel macros can be invoked using_______.

(a) Button

(b) Keystroke 

(c) Both a & b

(d) Neither a nor b


49. MS Excel supports a version of Visual Basic called ______for programming.

(a) JavaScript

(b) Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)

(c) ASP.NET 

(d) C#.NET


50. Each sheet in MS Excel file is called a ______.

(a) workbook 

(b) Worksheet

(c) Note sheet 

(d) Notebook


51. by default, Excel worksheets are named _______.

(a) Book1, book2, book3, ... 

(b) Sheet1, sheet2, sheet3,...

(c) Page1, page2, page3, ... 

(d) Note1, note2, note3, ...


52. Excel file without any macros has the default extension of ______.

(a) .xlsx 

(b) .xls

(c) .xlsm 

(d) .xlst


53. Excel file containing macros has the default extension of______ .

(a) .xlsx 

(b) .xls

(c) .xlsm 

(d) .xlst


54. MS Excel can reference data in _______.

(a) The same sheet

(b) Different sheet in the same workbook

(c) Different sheet in a different workbook

(d) all of them


55. in MS Excel, the common type of data applicable to any cell is called _____ data type.

(a) General  

(b) Number 

(c) Currency  

(d) Text


56. In MS Excel, the data type suitable for handling numbers is called _______data type.

(a) General  

(b) Number 

(c) Currency  

(d) Text


57. in MS Excel, number data type can control the ________.

(a) Digit grouping 

(b) Number of decimal places

(c) Both a & b 

(d) Neither a nor b


58. In MS Excel, numbers can be grouped and prefixed with a currency symbol using  _____  data type.

(a) Accounting

(b) Currency 

(c) Both a & b

(d) Neither a nor b


59. In MS Excel, ______data type is suitable for handling dates.

(a) Date 

(b) Time

(c) Percentage 

(d) Fraction


60. In MS Excel, _______data type is suitable for handling time values.

(a) Date 

(b) Time

(c) Percentage 

(d) Fraction


61. In MS Excel, _______ data type takes values between 0 and 1 and displays them in percentage format.

(a) Date 

(b) Time

(c) Percentage 

(d) Fraction


62. In MS Excel,_______ data type displays decimal fractions as vulgar or mixed fractions.

(a) Date 

(b) Time

(c) Percentage 

(d) Fraction


63. In MS Excel, ______data type displays numbers in scientific notation.

(a) Scientific  

(b) Text

(c) Custom  

(d) Date


64. In MS Excel, _____data type is suitable for names and other character sequences.

(a) Scientific  

(b) Text

(c) Custom  

(d) Date


65. In MS Excel, _____data type supports formatting of numbers with suitable customization.

(a) Scientific  

(b) Text

(c) Custom  

(d) Date


66. In MS Excel, _______function converts a binary number to hexadecimal number.

(a) BIN2DEC 

(b) BIN2HEX 

(c) BIN2OCT 



67. In custom formatting of numbers, an optional digit is denoted by ________symbol.

(a) 0  

(b) # 

(c) $  

(d) ^


68. Long text can be broken down into many lines within a cell. You can do this through

a) wrap text in format >> cells  

b) justify in edit >> cells

c) Text wrapping in format >> cells, layout tab

d) All of these


69. When copying and pasting an excel formula, the method which permits formula to progressively update cell references is called ______ referencing system.

(a) static

(b) Semi-relative

(c) Relative

(d) None of them


71. When copying and pasting an excel formula, the method which keeps references to a particular cell address is called ______ referencing system.

(a) static

(b) Semi-relative

(c) Relative

(d) None of them


72. The formula = A5 * 5 is written in ______system.

(a) static

(b) Semi-relative

(c) Relative

(d) None of them


73. the formula = A5 * 5, when copied to the next row of the same column, will become _______ system.

(a) = A4 * 5  

(b) = B5 * 5 

(c) = A7 * 5  

(d) = A6 * 5


74. In MS Excel, _______ functions help to access databases stored in spreadsheets.

(a) Cube/ Database 

(b) Date/ Time

(c) Engineering

(d) Financial


75. You can auto fit the width column by

a)  Double clicking on the column name on column header

b) Double click on the cell pointer in worksheet

c) Double clicking on column right border on column header

d) Double clicking on the column left boarder of column header


76. _______ functions help to access base conversion, logarithmic and other Engineering features in MS Excel.

(a) Cube/ Database 

(b) Date/ Time

(c) Engineering

(d) Financial


77. In MS Excel, ______functions help to access interest calculation, accounting and currency related calculations.

(a) Cube/ Database 

(b) Date/ Time

(c) Engineering

(d) Financial


78. In MS Excel, ______functions help to check the status of cells, as to whether the cell is blank, contains a number, text, type of data, etc.

(a) Information 

(b) Logical 

(c) Lookup & reference 

(d) Math & Trigonometric


79. In MS Excel, _______ functions help to make logical functions like AND, OR, NOT, etc.

(a) Information

(b) Logical

(c) Lookup & reference

(d) Math & Trigonometric


80. In MS Excel, ______functions help to make lookup in other sheets and references.

(a) Information

(b) Logical

(c) Lookup & reference

(d) Math & Trigonometric


81. In MS Excel, mathematical functions like round, absolute, ceiling, floor, etc. and trigonometric functions like sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, etc are containing the category of _______.

(a) Information

(b) Logical

(c) Lookup & reference

(d) Math & Trigonometric


82. In MS Excel, statistical functions like average, standard deviation, median, mode, etc. can be accessed under the category ________ .

(a) Logical

(b) Lookup & reference

(c) Math & Trigonometric

(d) Statistical


83. In MS Excel, functions for length of text, text search, text concatenation, upper, lower and proper, etc. can be accessed under the category _______ .

(a) Text

(b) Logical

(c) Lookup & reference

(d) Math & Trigonometric


84. _______ function in MS Excel takes year, month and date values and displays given date.

(a) DATE



(d) DAY


85. _______ function in MS Excel takes a date value and returns the day of month.

(a) DATE 



(d) DAY


86. _____function in MS Excel takes 2 date values and calculates the difference between the dates in years ("Y"), months ("M") or days ("D").

(a) DATE 



(d) DAY


87. _____ function in MS Excel takes a date string and returns parsed date value.

(a) DATE 



(d) DAY


88. ______function in MS Excel returns number of days between given dates.

(a) DAYS/ DAYS360



(d) HOUR


89. What happens when you press Ctrl + X after selecting some cells in Excel?

a) The cell content of selected cells disappears from cell and stored in clipboard

b) The cells selected are marked for cutting 

c) The selected cells are deleted and the cells are shifted left

d) The selected cells are deleted and cells are shifted up


90. Which command will you choose to convert a column of data into row?

a) Cut and Paste

b) Edit >> Paste Special>> Transpose

c) Both A and B

d) None of these


91. _______ function in MS Excel returns the hour represented by the given time.

(a) DAYS/ DAYS360



(d) HOUR


92. ______function in MS Excel returns minutes from a time value.




(d) HOUR


93. ______ function in MS Excel returns seconds from a time value.




(d) HOUR


95. ______function in MS Excel returns current date.



(c) NOW 



96. _____function in MS Excel returns day of week for given date.



(c) YEAR 



97. _______ function in MS Excel returns the date after given number of working days.



(c) YEAR 



98. Where can you change automatic or manual calculation mode in Excel?

a) Double CAL indicator on status bar

b) Go to Tools >> Options >> Calculation and mark the corresponding radio button 

c) Both of above

d) None of these


99. ______function in MS Excel returns fractional year between given dates.



(c) YEAR 



100. In MS Excel, _______function converts a binary number to decimal number.

(a) BIN2DEC 

(b) BIN2HEX 

(c) BIN2OCT 


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