Post Office Recruitment 2022
Notice No.B-3/12/XXIV(Pant file/2019-20, Dated: 17-01-20221
Government of India, Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts, (O/o the Senior Manager, Mail Motor Service, New Delhi-110028) Applicants are invited from the eligible Indian citizens for the following posts:
Post Details
Staff Car Driver (Ordinary grade) General Central Service
Total Post - 29
General Category -15
ST -00
Residual promotion quota vacancies to be filled by direct
Two vacancies of above post are reserved for Ex. Servicemen (ESM) & will be filled up from any category and then be adjusted horizontally against respective categories viz.
UR/SC/ST/OBC/EWS as the case may be depending upon the category to which the selected candidate belongs to, that means the vacancy earmarked for Ex. Servicemen is included within the total vacancies of 29 posts of drivers.
Salary and remuneration
Rs.19,900/- to Rs. 63,200/-(Level-2 in the pay matrix as per 7 CPC). Last Date of Receipt of Application: 15-03-2022 at 17:00 Hours.
(a) Age Limit: 18 to 27 year (Relaxable 5yrs for SC & ST. 3yrs for OBC). Relaxable for Govt. Servants up to the age of 40 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government.
Relaxable for Ex-Serviceman up to a maximum of 3 years 18 years for SC/ST and 06 years for OBC) after deduction of the Military Service rendered from the actual age. The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the closing date of receipt of applications ie 15.03.2022
Educational & other qualifications
Possession of a valid driving license for light and heavy Motors vehicles. ii. Knowledge of Motor Mechanism (candidate should be able to remove minor defects in vehicle) Experience of driving light and heavy Motor vehicle at least three years. Iv Pass in 10th standard from a recognized Board or Institute.
Selection of Driver shall be made on the basis of test as prescribed by Department to assess their competency to drive light and heavy motor vehicles including knowledge of Motor Mechanisms and ability to remove minor defects in vehicle from amongst the candidates possessing the requisite eligibility criteria mentioned above. The date and venue of the tests will be intimated separately to the eligible candidates. No intimation will be sent in respect of other applicants who are not eligible.
Documents Required
Photocopies of following certificates duly attested by Gazetted officer/self attested: (1) Proof of date of birth (ii) Educational qualification (iii) Driving experience certificate as intimated at Sl.No.1(b)(iii), (iv) SC/ST/OBC/EWS/ESM/etc. certificate issued by competent authority (v) Driving License, (vi) Technical qualification. One
Two copies of recent passport size photographs attested by Gazetted Officer/self attested. should be pasted on the application form and the other should be attached with the application form.
Application should be submitted as per format of application enclosed and should be signed by the candidate and accompanied with:
The applications information/ enclosures should be sent in an appropriate size of thick paper envelope clearly inscribing on the cover as "Application for the post of Staff Car Driver (Direct Recruitment) at MMS Delhi through Speed Post/Register Post only and addressed to "The Senior Manager, Mail Motor Service, C-121,Naraina Industrial Area phase-1, Naraina, New Delhi-110028. Application sent by courier or any other transmission will not be entertained/considered.
Application without complete information or without requisite documents duly attested by Gazetted officer/self-attested will be rejected straight way without any notice or information. No TA-DA will be paid for test. Candidate will be selected on the basis of qualification, experience & skill test and merely possessing minimum qualification will not vest any right to the candidate to call for test.
The requisite details with regards to age limit, eligibility qualification, experience, application format, syllabus and other terms & conditions are available on the website
Application Form
Govt. Jobs
Post office Recruitment
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