SWOT Analysis:
Swot analysis is the one of the simplest way to improve your personality .You just need to sit down and list your personality traits.
Swot analysis is the one of the simplest way to improve your personality .You just need to sit down and list your personality traits.
- S - Strength
- W - Weakness
- O- Opportunities
- T - Threats.
- Strength : It will help you to determine your positive Abilities and Potential.
- Weakness : It will help you to find out your weaknesses at which you have to work hard.
- Opportunities: It will help you to find out what opportunities do you have in near future or present.
- Threats : What are your biggest threats in your life . its can be physical threats or mental threats. you have to work on it.
Few Steps need to be taken:
- First list your negative personality traits.
- Pick your personality trait that you want to change to Improve your personality.
- Deal with your shyness when you are with other people. There is a lack of confidence in you.
- Choose an opposite behavior from which you are not used to it will increase confidence in you
- Always stay focused and keep yourself motivated regularly to keep up these new behaviors.
- Always keep a positive attitude.
- Always remember negative attitudes will reduce confidence and commitment to improving yourself.
- Learn something new it can be new work new skills new thing whatever.
- Always try to pretend to yourself not to other. As someone said Fake it till you make it mentality.
- Always give Positive Motivation to your mind in any diverse situation it will positively affect your personality.