Successful people Never Do These mistakes.

  • They never go back to the same thing expecting different results. which has not worked
  • They do not Remain Constant. They always try to Change themselves. They Do anything that requires them to be someone they are not. 
  • They  do not Try to change another person.
  • They do not Believe they can please everyone.
  • They Choose short-term comfort over long-term benefits. They do not mind the painful step because it gets them to a long-term benefit.
  • They do not believe in Perfection. They Trust someone or something that appears flawless.
  • They do not take their eyes off the any day.
  • They believe in internal beauty rather then external.
  • They do not give excuses in personal and professional life.
  • They do not forget that their inner life determines their outer success.

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